No two projects are the same!


PLANNING a project is a TEAM SPORT

     Done Correctly = cool   laughing   innocent

     But Incorrectly = frown   yell   cry


So how can I make this work . . . SUCCESSFULLY?!?

Stratum Resources PROJECT GOALS

1st Step . . . We meet!

Brilliant, Right?!?

What should your expectations be for this first meeting?  A tour of your space; request for blue prints (or we measure area); a lot of questions . . . And OBTW – We keep this session light but serious!


We’ll probably ask 2 critical questions . . . and coach you to find the answers that will work for you to . . .

Establishing Time Lines

Budget Forecast

MEETING #2 . . .  Sounds crazy but you must have liked us enough to invite us back!   Expect this agenda

Stratum Resources PROJECT GOALS

Present Options

Expect a classic “Good”, “Better”, “Best” product recommendation at 3 competitive budget price points.

Or as we like to refer to it:        “Outstanding”, “Amazing”, “OMG!”

Establish Budget

We believe that budgets should be solid . . . and that once established, they should NOT go up.  And if there are specifications changes after the work starts, we do not treat that like a Get Rich Quick opportunity.

Establish Timeline

Our motto:  Get in Quick, Get Out Fast!

You will probably discover this deep passion for our teams to never leave!  Sorry, we think you’re swell but we have to move on!

Cement Deal

So we do this outrageous thing . . . We ASK for an order!  Crazy right?

And depending on your internal process, we may also request a purchase order or a deposit.

GREEN LIGHT!  You have given us a Go-Ahead and the future of our Grandchildren is no longer at risk!  So now what happens?!?

DEMO/INSTALL Speed but Quality!

Stick to the Budget and Timeline

Entire process:  COMMUNICATE!

No Employee disruption

Finger pointing is UNACCEPTABLE

No time for Chit Chat or Goofing Off

Stratum Resources PROJECT GOALS

2020 Color Trends

Aphorisms - silly!

Project Goals

Delivery Crisis

Client Logo's

Logistics - really!?!